Hi Everyone:

There are so many special occasions that are just around the corner that warrant a special greeting card. There's Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation celebrations, weddings, and in between all of those special times, birthdays, anniversaries, and births are always popping up. I love graduation time, exspecially that
Pomp & Circumstance. It's a feeling of accomplishment and bringing dreams to life. I have a couple of friends graduating (again) next month. After CASing a few sites, I thought I would make an attempt to tackle this card. Hopefully, I made the grade. :) I think this one came out okay, but I am definitely going to try it again. Lil' Kevin thought I should have included a diploma in conjunction with the cap. Speaking of the cap, I made the tassle myself. Not too bad for a first attempt. Instead of Perhaps, I'll consider adding a diploma on the next card. Let me know what you think.
Lastly, my niece finally it the double digits this past Saturday. Yes, Taylor's 10! This was the first time she recevied one of my cards. My brother told me she loved it! I could hear it in her voice hundreds of miles away. I made of a fairy card simular to the one below--only it was a royal fairy. That's right, You guessed it. The fairy was adorned in purple. Of course I didn't capture it on film, but just know Taylor was please with the card was enough for me. Until next time...
Thanks for stopping by the gallery!
Wonderful..... You go girl!!!!! So you stop eating and sleeping? I heard you make cards all day.... I want you to be YOU!
Keep it coming ... I love everyone of them!!!!!
So glad to meet you at Holy Cow yesterday! You inspired me in so many ways. I even started my own blog after toying with the idea for about a year now. Your work is AMAZING, love each and every card. Hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend:)
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